Interview & Press
第22屆台新藝術獎入圍作品-《逆斷口》/ 葉于瑄、鄭道元、蕭育禮 藝術家訪談 (Taishin Art Awards, 2024)
Cheng DaoyuanがEP『Consumed Leadens』を発表 (AVYSS Magazine, 2023)
<CC SPOTIFY> CHENG DAOYUAN 鄭道元 (Chi-Ching Records, 2021)
Connecting Asia Through the Digital Airwaves: Asian Community Radio in the Time of COVID-19 (Elecrtric Soul, 2021)
Unconventional Convention: Future Proof’s Zhonghu (Taiwan Beats, 2019)
The Wire: Issue 411- Soundcheck (The Wire, 2018)
Spool's Out: The Best Cassette Releases of 2018 (The Quietus, 2018)
在生靈棲息的殘骸之上 —《逆斷口》
Taishin Art Talks, 2023
December in Taipei, A Dark Cyclone: The Lost/Corpse/Poetic Resonance of “Sonic Shaman"
Art Touch, 2022